
Following the theme of the Work Package 4 “Dissemination and exploitation of project results for stakeholders, businesses and public decision-makers”, active communication and dissemination of the results is at the core of BONUS MARES; findings within scientific articles will be converted into policy briefs and a wider audience of experts, decision makers, authorities, media and businesses will be approached to spread the new knowledge beyond the scientific community. Relevant and interested stakeholders are identified  at the beginning of the project.

BONUS MARES’ work is also captured in a final popular publication that will pull together findings, lessons learned, and gaps identified in current practices. BONUS MARES informs and interfaces in this way with the concerned stakeholders and the general public, thereby pursuing the objective of concretely reducing the distance between the scientific community, decision-making and the overall society.

One key element on communicating and interacting are the realisation of GIS based maps in an online portal where maps representing the spatial distributions of the ecosystem services provided by mussel reefs, seagrass beds and other submerged vegetation in the Baltic Sea can be generated.

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